Master CD / DVD

Audio data

By Patrycja Czochara • Last updated 25.03.2024

Data formats for audio data/master


.NRG Image:


  • NRG is an image file format for optical data carriers such as CDs or DVDs.
  • Best suited for creating images of CD/DVD data carriers, for example for backing up or burning music or data CDs.


.DDP Image (Disc Description Protocol):

  • DDP is a format that was specially developed for the creation of master images for optical media production.
  • Best suited for creating master images of music albums to be sent to CD pressing plants.


.ISO Image:

  • ISO is a universal disk image format that creates an exact copy of an entire data carrier.
  • Best suited for creating images of CDs or DVDs that can be easily distributed over the Internet or burned to physical media.


.CUE/.BIN Image:

  • CUE/BIN is an image file format that consists of two parts: a CUE file, which describes the structure of the data carrier, and a BIN file, which contains the actual data.
  • Best suited for archiving CD audio tracks with metadata or creating exact copies of CDs.


.MP3 Datei:

  • Compressed audio format that uses loss compression.
  • Ideal for music collections on devices with limited storage, online streaming and sharing music on the Internet.


.WAV Datei:

  • Uncompressed audio format for lossless recordings.
  • Best suited for professional audio recording, music production and sound design where the highest sound quality is required.


Theoretically, you can send us any of the audio formats mentioned, although some of them involve additional costs. The easiest for you and for us is the DDP format or a self-burned audio CD, which you can bring to us by post or in person.

We will be happy to create an audio master for you, but this is associated with additional costs. Please send us an email to and we will explain what you need to bear in mind.