Inside bar
What is an inside-bar?
The "innensteg" or inside-bar refers to the center fold of a folded brochure or printed product. When you unfold a brochure, the innensteg (inside-bar) is the area where the pages meet in the middle.
The terms "4/0" and "4/4" relate to the color printing of the product.
- "4/0" means that on the front side of the printed product (the outside), four colors are used, while the back remains unprinted.
- "4/4" means that both the front and back sides of the printed product are printed using four colors.
Usually, the inner flaps are left unprinted, making this option highly recommended if you prioritize uniqueness and appealing design. This allows you to stand out from conventional CD or DVD packaging. And let's be honest, it looks much cooler too.
Here are two example pictures of what it looks like with (4/0) and without (4/0) printing on the inner web:
Inner-web printed (4/4)
innerweb without printing (4/0)
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